About Mangia876
The kernel of Mangia876 started with a Christmas Day breakfast in Jamaica many years ago. My Auntie Grace introduced me to rosemary seasoned fried bammies and I loved it. Rosemary was new to me. Five years later on my first trip to Italy I had landed in the world of rosemary infused cooking and I loved it. That wasn't all I loved about Italy and their food. I liked the way they were about food, sharing it, having a good time. They cooked the way Jamaicans cooked, meats & fish roasted or braised and on the bone, heavy on the carbs and light on the salads. I made jerked chicken while my friend shaved garlic with a razor for a bruschetta in a villa in Campagnano and I felt like I was home. I thought maybe the world is more alike than it is different and I would search for the spaces where we intersect.
So I believe in fusion; of food, of cultures. I believe things move forward when they are opened up to new influences. It happened with Jamaican cuisine which is nothing but African, Spanish, Italian, Chinese, Indian and European culinary heritage and influences blending into one awesome stew. Hey it happened with me too!! A Kingston girl equally as comfortable in London as in Parma or Paris. Food opens doors.
About Mangia876 Trust
Manga 876 launched in October 2012 with a fundraising event which underpins its other purpose; to support the educational needs of children in care homes. We don't believe education is a privilege, everyone should have it and the very best it. Five per cent of Mangia876's profits go towards a charitable trust created out of that launch. We hope to open doors for other Jamaican children and young people so they can see more of the world and be comfortable with their space in it.
Mangia876 has never been a solo operation and it never will be. It needs the support of a community. A community of friends and people committed to helping in large ways or small, because nothing works without people.
About Me
My name is Gaile Walters and all I want to do is cook and feed people because I believe sharing food is sharing love. I try to apply these five rules to my life and cooking:
Love is the answer.
Family is Forever.
Good friend better than pocket money.
A good meal is an opportunity for sharing.
We are all connected.