Luigi's Limoncello & Pizza Positano

While it is true that there is a wedding ( my cousin's not mine, stay with me) and a dress made from unforgiving fabric ( mine not my cousin's, don't go anywhere) in my near future I cannot be in Italy and not have more white flour than I would have in a year of London living. The perfect pizza is always the next restaurant away.
In this case the next restaurant was a 45 minute wait for a bus, which in turn climbed for 20 minutes up another of those steep Positano hills heading to Montepertuso, 10 of those same minutes were spent in a traffic jam trying not to but the time was worth it.

To get seated at a window table with a magnificent view and to be served by an unhurried, shuffling septugenarian when you yourself are in no hurry is fine. Then the yummy goodness of your pizza with anchovies pales into insignificance when your nephew's rocket, cherry tomatoes with shards of parmesan sends you deep into pizza envy and you thank the stars his parents taught him how to share.

It only gets more worth it as you get regaled with tales from Luigi the owner about the years when he lived in London with his friend, also called Luigi and then you linger long enough to see that Luigi walk in and sit down to what will be a long and very late lunch with his wife. And then he told us how to make limoncello. Hmm wonder if I can do it with white rum? Will advise.