Mangia 876 is Community

Nothing works without community.
Not noble ideals (such as raising funds for the girls home whose picture is displayed above), not amazing inventions, not movements to change the way we think about anything. Anything which stays in your head is just a thought and it may be a great one but in there it is worth nothing. The minute you take it out of that exclusive, rarified environment and spread it around you will be amazed at how it grows and moves beyond the thing in your head into something magnificent. Mangia 876 will be magnificent because of the members of this community.

Yes I can cook but seriously I do not think of the possibilites and the magic of food in the way that our super amazing Chef Sabrina does. This woman having never cooked Jamaican food before put her foot in an assortment of Jamaican staples, particularly some jerked chicken wings. When she was done I saw Jamaicans take to the gristle of bones just trying to get the last of the meaty goodness. IN PUBLIC!! I was afraid there was going to be some bone cracking, phew! chrisis averted
Or there are some who are numerate ( and I count myself among that number)but the ability to count to 100 or even 1,000,000 is not the skill set one needs when considering budgets and bank accounts and how numbers really work. This man taught me in an afternoon bank reconcilliation and great deal of other important accounting functions that I promptly forgot after doing the exam. Perhaps aware even then that I knew where to find an abacus when I needed one. All that and with a Sidney Poiter-like demeanour that makes me call him "Sir" but always with Love.

And why would I have to be in Jamaica if this lady is there? Best friend, prayer warrior, personal stand-up comedienne, "tell me and I will get it done" and possessed of an ability to charm locks off doors and donations out of pockets. Guard your purses but never too closely.

Mangia 876's head fits under the able cap of Andre. His calm presence never fails to remind me that age is nothing but a number. He has an awareness and assuredness which doesn't manifest in persons twice his age or at all. He can plan a project, create a project map and close off actions and timelines like a soldier. His commitment is complete.

Then along comes Sireita who brings her art and her heart to her work. Our logo is her creation. Giving us an identity and the fusion we were looking for. She also has a nose for connecting people and for limoncello. I think she should be our limon-sommelier as well. In fact there are some Positano lemons waiting right here for the appropriate experiment.

St. Paul is his name and he has some of the qualities of that other famous gatekeeper except he is not looking for a tally of your good deeds. He knows how to get ideas out of your head onto a page and from that page into action. His history with fundraising is phenomenal.

And then there is you. All of you who take action; by listening, offering an idea, a tin of ackee, purchasing a ticket, making a donation, retweeting a tweet, hitting a "like" button or hopefully being inspired and going out into your own comnunities and doing something which in turn inspires us and helps all our communities grow